Posted on February 7, 2022 at 5:00 AM
I. It is necessary for me, Jacquetta Trenice Bounds, (named at natural child-birth), to point out that now, shown along with the title of my website, is ‘Jesus Christ, the True King of Kings Ministry/The Judgment of God’, hereby, published specifically on the ‘Home’ page of this website, emphasizing that this ministry is the revelation of the Judgment of God executed by the truly exalted and resurrected Jesus Christ the Lord, ‘The Word of God’, according to St. John 1:1-17, specifically verses 1, 14, and 16, (in reference to verse 18, note St. Matthew 5:8; St. John 6:46; St. John 16:25-27 and I Corinthians 2:14-16), and Revelation 19:11-13, in fact, manifest in me, according to Acts 2:29-36, specifically verses 33 and 36 and Colossians 1:24-27, specifically verse 27, in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, according to I Corinthians 2:1-16, specifically verses 1-4 and I Thessalonians 1:4-9, specifically verse 5, being the testimony of Christ confirmed in me, according to I Corinthians 1:6, and confirmed and interpreted by the Holy Scriptures, according to Isaiah 44:23-28, specifically verse 26; and Romans 16:25-27, (note II Peter 1:20); and Ephesians 3:1-21, especially note verses 9-12. ‘The Judgment of God’, according to Jeremiah 23:3-6 and Jeremiah 33:14-16, (note Isaiah 43:1-21, specifically verses 1, 7-15, 19, and 21); St. John 5:25-27and St. John 16:7-11, is, hereby, also executed by the saints, according to Psalms 149:1-9, specifically verse 9; Ephesians 2:19-22; and Jude 14-15, including the Holy Apostles that slept in Christ and was resurrected at the last day, being the resurrection of the church, the body of Christ, according St. John 6:39-40 and I Thessalonians 4:14-17, by which we are accounted worthy to obtain the world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither can we die anymore: for we are equal unto the angels, according to St. Luke 20:34-38, specifically verses 34-35, being the fulfillment of the will of God, again, according to St. John 6:39-40, as in reference to Acts 13:22-23, (note verses 37-39-41; St. Matthew 1:1; and Romans 12:1-2).
II. As a result, he has made us kings and priests, having given us his power to become the sons of God, according to St. John 1:12, and power, being the morning star, (authority), to rule over our enemies, according to Isaiah 41:1-4; I Corinthians 15:20-28; Revelation 2:26-28; Revelation 5:9-13; and Revelation 10:15-18, for we have inherited the earth, freely inheriting all things, as all things are ours, according to St. Matthew 5:5; Romans 8: 1-17, 28-39, specifically verse 32; I Corinthians 3:11-23, specifically verses 21-23; I Corinthians chapter 4, specifically versed 8 and 20, for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power, (as in reference to Romans 1:1-6, 1; I Thessalonians 1:4-10, specifically verses 4-5; and Hebrews 10:16-20); II Corinthians 8:9, (note Matthew 21:33-44), for we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich; and I Peter 2:1-15, specifically verses 5, 9, and 15. See ‘Testimonies’ page at my website, my testimony of light that literally shined in my heart, being the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, according to II Corinthians 4:6. As ‘the glory of God’ manifest in me is the praise and renown of God himself, as in reference to Isaiah 43:1-21, specifically verses 9, 10-13, and verse 21; Zephaniah 3:19-20; Romans 2:28-29, (important note, see Romans 3:1-4); and II Corinthians 3:1-6, specifically verses 2-3. As stated above, note the following:
a. I Peter 2:1-15, specifically verse 9, …that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, the definition of ‘glory’, of which I experienced, is: 1 a:praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent: RENOWN 2 a: something that secures praise or renown b. Regarding the saints, note Romans 1:1-7, specifically verses 5-7. As we are now together as one in Christ our Lord and Savior, as explained above, according to St. John chapter 17:, specifically verses 20-26 and II Thessalonians 4:14-17, as further explained on the ‘About Us’ page of this website. In reference to St. John chapter 17, verses 23 and 26, (note St. John 10:27-30), and see my testimony of the demonstration of the Love of God and of Christ within my heart, as in reference to St. John 6:63, ‘Testimonies’ page of this website. c. Regarding my new God-given name, in reference to Jeremiah 33:14-16, (note Isaiah 43:1-21, specifically verses 1, 7-15, 19, and 21) and Psalms 149, verse 2, as stated above, it is important for you to see and understand, ‘The Lord our righteousness’ and ‘Zion’, are name(s) given to me by Christ, according to Revelation 2:17, as in reference to Psalms 87:5 and Psalms 132:13-18, according to the testimony of Christ confirmed in me, that is, according to I Corinthians 1:1-9, specifically verse 6, and verses 17-18, 24, 26-31 and Ephesians chapter 3, specifically verses 9 and 20. As with Christ, the scriptures testify of me, according to St. John 5:39, as I diligently sought the Lord , according to Hebrews 11:6, with all of my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind, as according to St. Matthew 22:37-38, the first and great commandment, and found the honor that comes from God only, as in reference to St. John 5:44, inwardly the praise that is not of men, but of God, according to Romans 2:28-29, and, my faith that does not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God, according to I Corinthians 1:1-16, specifically verse 5. For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power, I Corinthians 4:20, and d. Regarding the fulfillment of the will of God, according to St. John 6:39-40, as in reference to Romans 12:1-2 and I Peter 2:1-15, specifically verses 5, 9, and 15, the mystery of God is finished, according to Revelation 10:7, (note Romans 11:25-26). As I can truthfully attest to the fact, as I am a true witness that God’s word is true, not fiction, and God is real, as Jesus stated, “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”according to St. John 6:63, (note Isaiah 43:1-21, specifically verses 9, 10-13, and verse 21). As a result of my study of the Holy Scriptures, as instructed, according to Romans 12:1-2; Romans 16:25-27, (as in reference to Psalms 87:5); II Timothy 2:15 and II Timothy 3:14-17, comparing spiritual things with spiritual, according to I Corinthians chapter 2, specifically verse 13,behold, prophecy, according to II Peter 1:19-21, is fulfilled and the word of God, according to St. John 1:1-17,is, therefore, proven to come to pass, according to Deuteronomy 18:15-22, (note verse 22), and both Christ and we, the saints, are executing the judgment written, according to Isaiah 9:2, 6-7, specifically verse 7 and Psalms 149:1-9, specifically verse 9. i. In reference to Isaiah 9:2, 6-7, specifically verse 7 and Psalms 149:1-9, specifically verse 9, the definition of ‘execute’, as stated above, is 1: to carry out fully: put completely into effect 2: to do what is provided or required by <~a decree>, 4: to make or produce, especially by carrying out a design 5: to perform what is required to give validity to <~a deed > syn see PERFORM PERFORM, as stated above, is defined: 1: to adhere to the terms of: FULFILL <~a contract> 2: CARRY OUT, DO
III. Therefore, 'the judgment is set, and the books opened', prophesied of in the Holy Bible, in reference to Daniel 7:9, are revealed, producing the evidence God’s words are fulfilled in me and through me and my sons and grandchildren, as in reference to Daniel 7:9-14, 18, 21, 25-27; Revelation 12:1-17 and Revelation 17:14, 17-18, (note Isaiah 28:5, 9-13). As the books I possess complete my study to 1) show myself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, according to II Timothy 2:15 and 2) to prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God, according to Romans 12:1-2, as instructed by the Holy Scriptures, according to II Timothy 3:14-17, specifically verse 16, are, in fact, the same books written of and referred to in the Holy Bible, specifically according to Daniel 7:10, such as the following:
1. The Holy Bible, according to II Timothy 3:14-16, specifically verses 15-16, note II Timothy 2:15; II Peter 1:16-21, specifically verses 20-21. However, also note Isaiah 28:5, 6, 9-16, 21-23; Romans 16:25-27; and II Corinthians 4:1-4. 2. ‘The Lamb's Book of Life’, as mentioned on my/this website,, is truly the book the Holy Bible is referring to, according to Revelation 5:9-13, specifically verse 9, as well asDaniel 7:9-27, specifically verse 10. in which I was inspired by my testimony of the life of God and of Christ in me, according to I Corinthians 2:1-16, to write, as a result of being born again of the Spirit and of water, according to St. John 3:5, the regeneration of Christ, according to St. Matthew 19:28 and Titus 3:5, thus conformed into the image of Christ, according to Romans 8:29. It is therefore proven to be true that through my testimony confirmed and interpreted by the Holy Scriptures, altogether revealing that this manifestation is the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in me, as within the Holy Apostles, according to St. John 14:1-21, specifically verses 16-21; St. John 16:7-11; St. John chapter 17, specifically verse 23, and Hebrews 9:26-28, (note I Corinthians 15:20-28), 3. Two (2) dictionaries used to prove that I experienced the living word in the way these words of the bible are literally defined, and, 4. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, which greatly assisted me in locating specific scriptures that actually confirm and interpret my testimonies, such as my first testimony of the demonstration of the light and the glory of God that literally shined in my heart, according to II Corinthians 4:1-7, specifically verse 6.
Therefore, I prove myself obedient to God, through the Holy Scriptures, in which I present my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is my reasonable service, according to Romans 12:1, not conformed to the world: but transformed by the renewing of my mind, that I may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God, according to Romans 12:2. As I, together with my sons, Ian Dusan and Phillip Anthony and their seed, from generation to generation, according to Hebrews chapter 8, specifically verses 8-13, are, again, manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by the Holy Apostles, as according to II Corinthians 3:1-6, specifically in reference to verse 3; II Corinthians 4:1-15, specifically in reference to verses 2 and 12, including I Corinthians 4:1-21, specifically verses 8-20, (note Numbers 16:1-7; Romans 9:1-33; Romans 10:1-4); Revelation 12:1-17; and Revelation 17:14, 17-18. For we are God’s elect, whom he has justified, and also glorified, according to Romans 8:28-30; I Thessalonians 3:13, (note I Corinthians chapter 4, specifically verse 8; and I Thessalonians 2:12-13). And, so, the judgment of God is executed, as earlier defined, to carry out fully: put completely into effect, performed, and put into effect, to do what is provided or required by <~a decree>, 4: to make or produce, especially by carrying out a design 5: to perform what is required to give validity to <~a deed > syn see PERFORM, by us the saints of God, according to Psalms 149:1-9, specifically verse 9, as according to Isaiah 9:2, 6-7), and as stated and earlier explained in detail in the first paragraph, (Roman Numeral I), of this blog; an important announcement of 'The Judgment of God' from the Most High God, The Word of God, being the Lord Jesus Christ, creator of all things, as according to St. John 1:1-17; St. John 16:7-11; I Corinthians 15:20-28, 34-47.
Jacquetta Trenice Bounds – My new God-given names: Zion and The LORD our righteousness, according to the testimony of Christ confirmed in me, I Corinthians 1:1-1-9, specifically verse 6. Therefore it is written: In reference to ‘Zion’: Psalms 87:5; Isaiah 31:9, (as in reference to Matthew 3:11); Isaiah 33:5-6, 10, 13-14). In reference to ‘The LORD our righteousness’: Jeremiah 33:14-16; (note Romans 12:1-2; Romans 8:28-29; Ephesians 3:1-21, specifically verse 9); I Corinthians 15:20-28, 34-56, specifically verse 47; II Corinthians 3:1-6, specifically verse 2-3; and Revelation 2:17; and Matthew 19:28),
My titles include the following:
Spiritually Ordained Minister, according to Romans 12:1-2; Romans 13:1-4, specifically verse 4; I Corinthians 1:1-31, specifically verses 1-9, 17-31, specifically note verses 26-31; I Corinthians 2:1-16, specifically verse 16; II Corinthians 3:1-6, specifically verse 2-3; II Corinthians 4:1-15; Ephesians 3:1-21, specifically verses 7-20; I Timothy 1:7-11, specifically verse 11; and II Timothy 2:15;
Ruler/Queen: According to to the testimony of Christ confirmed and established in me, according to Psalms 87:5, (in reference to Romans 12:1-2); Matthew 12:38-42, specifically verse 2; Matthew 19:28-30; I Corinthians 1:1-9, specifically verse 6;Romans 16:25-27, as according to Romans 13:1-4; I Corinthians 4:1-20, specifically note verse 8; Ephesians 3:1-21, specifically verses 9-20; and Revelation 17:17-18;
Judge/Teacher, In reference to ‘Judge’: John 16:8-11 and Acts 17:31. In reference to ‘Teacher’: Heb. 5:5-14, specifically verse 12, (note John 3:1-8, 21 and Romans 8:29); and I Timothy 1:7-11, specifically verse 11, note Romans 1:1-7, 16 and Romans 8:1-17, 28-39, specifically verse 29
Jesus Christ, the True King of Kings Ministry
11617 Cedar Avenue, D
Hawthorne, CA 90250